Exterior wall and windows of old brick apartment building with badly peeling paint

Top Tips For Preserving Brick Buildings

Team Brickhunter
20 May 2024

Brick buildings stand the test of time, but they also require careful upkeep to maintain their durability and aesthetic appeal - and at BrickHunter, we know that the right maintenance can make all the difference.

Whether you’re dealing with a century-old structure or a modern brick facade, there are straightforward steps you can take to keep your brickwork in top condition.

From simple cleaning techniques to more complex repairs, these practical recommendations are designed to help you extend the lifespan of your brick structures and keep them looking great.

Let’s get started on ensuring your brick building continues to stand proud and strong.

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Protect and serve

Bricks have many benefits associated with construction, including their natural resistance to fire and ease of use. Add in low maintenance, and you've got a cost-effective building material that suits the modern homeowner's needs. 

However, bricks aren't completely immune to general wear and tear. Over time, the bricks themselves - and mortar - can degrade, causing a range of problems:

General damage 

Bricks can deteriorate when exposed to trauma, including violent storms or suffering impact. People in busy urban areas might find constant traffic and public transportation vibrations, which can lead to cracks or weakened brickwork. 

Water exposure 

As a porous material, brick can absorb water and retain moisture. There are ways to prevent this from occurring, but when bricks suffer prolonged moisture exposure, they're susceptible to mould growth, cracks during freeze-thaw cycles and efflorescence. 

Fire damage 

Bricks are fire-resistant, but the other elements of your building might not offer the same durability. Damage to mortar joints can impact structural integrity, causing cracks to form and loosening the bricks. 

Brick wall covered in mould

Preserving your building

Maintaining and preserving your brick building doesn't have to be a huge task. As long as you perform routine inspections and follow these tips, you can keep your brickwork looking incredible and save money. 

1 Annual inspection 

Taking time each year to inspect your building's exterior can highlight early signs of damage and ensure you can immediately take action. Check for visible holes or cracks and evaluate the mortar to see if it's in good condition. When assessing mortar, use a hose on the bricks to see whether it stays in place or crumbles.

2 Fast action 

It's tempting to notice a minor crack in your brickwork and leave it. After all, what harm can a small crack do? Well, leaving any cracks or signs of mortar damage means you're playing a waiting game—because they will worsen.

When this happens, those small cracks can turn into large gaps, and mortar damage means your brickwork will become unstable. 

In some cases, minor repairs and mortar upgrades will be enough to preserve the building, but replacements might be necessary. 

When replacing your bricks, make sure you choose ones that blend in with the rest of your building. Our Brick Matching service can help you save money and maintain curb appeal. 

3 Unblock holes 

Weep holes are important features in brick buildings, as they ensure moisture can drain to the property's exterior and prevent floods from happening. Because of their vital role, weep holes can accumulate debris and develop clogs over time. 

If you don't address these clogs, it can cause long-term structural damage and facilitate mould growth. Inspect the weep holes and remove them with a wire brush or air pressure. If the problem persists, it's best to call a professional service for support. 

When bricks suffer prolonged moisture exposure, they're susceptible to mould growth, cracks and efflorescence

4 Careful cleaning 

Despite their durability, bricks should still be treated with care to prevent them from degrading. Cleaning them regularly is a good idea because it removes debris and keeps your property looking great. 

Avoid using dangerous chemicals and opt for a mild detergent instead. Soaps will still clean the bricks without causing any damage. It's also important to avoid scrubbing them with wire brushes, which can cause rust. 

5 Mould prevention 

Mould and moss often form on brickwork due to wet weather and other sources of moisture. Trees outside the property can also contribute to moisture exposure. 

Checking your bricks regularly and cleaning them with soap and water is usually enough to prevent mould spores from multiplying and taking over your property. Combining bleach with water and spraying the bricks regularly will kill any mould. 

6 Clever coating 

Protective coatings and sealants shield bricks from environmental damage and pollutants. Many coatings are available for brickwork, and applying them will give the property additional protection. 

Make sure the coating you choose is compatible with your brickwork, and seek support from a professional service if necessary. 

Reach out for help 

Maintaining brickwork can be complex - especially if you don't have experience in working with them. If the bricks require replacing or you're dealing with mortar issues, a professional service will be able to offer advice and perform any repairs for you. 

While seeking support might cost more money initially, it can prevent long-term structural damage, often resulting in significant expenses. 

We're here for you

Hopefully, the tips in this post will help you maintain your brickwork and look forward to long-term structural integrity. If you need to replace any bricks in the process, our Brick Matching service is here to make sure you find the best bricks for the job.

And, if your maintenance project inspires you to take on a bigger brick project, we can help you figure out how many bricks you'll need to buy for your build, then source them and help you find the best price - we'll even arrange delivery too.

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